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The Players... Andy

Andy is one of the only Regentville players who "tours" different condos for regular games. Apart from our Regentville group, he plays with some other friends for various other condos island wide. He is Malaysian and is currently working as Senior Manager for a US based MNC dealing with computer software.

Andy's greatest asset is his hard running and "never say die attitude". He runs down and hits back at everything, even seemingly almost impossible shots. We call him the "Great Wall of China" for this reason.

Andy does not have very big shots, but his consistency as well as his ability to return everything back at his opponent makes him a force to be reckon with. He is one of the most senior players in our group and one of the fastest and most determined players I have ever seen. He personifies the saying "Old But Gold" as well as "Slow & Study Wins the Race".

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About me

  • I'm Nawin from regentville
  • Residing in Hougang Singapore
  • Racquets: X2 Prince EXO3 Graphite 100 (Main) X3 Wilson K Blade Tour 93 (Backup) Strings: Toalson Ultimate 115 Strung @ 48-50 pounds. Plays: Right Handed (Single Backhand). Shoes: mi Adidas Barricade V Apparel: Lacoste & Adidas Favourite Players: Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic

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