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The Players... Joey

Joey whom I dub the "Sultan of Swing" is a Filipino national whom has been working in Singapore for a couple of years as an engineer. He is the other "lefty" in our Regentville tennis group. As his nickname suggests, Joey has long loopy graceful swings and uses them for both his forehand and single handed backhand.

Joey is one of the hardest hitters on court and once he starts grooving his shots, boy, you will be in some serious trouble! Being left handed, his huge wide kick serves has the ability to pull you off the court for easy put away winners or generate outright aces.
To top this up, he uses an extreme western forehand grip which comes up with so much topspin that you will often have to take his shots on the rise.

Joey is in and out of Singapore most of the time owing to his busy work schedule, but will always find the time to look us up when he is back in town.

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About me

  • I'm Nawin from regentville
  • Residing in Hougang Singapore
  • Racquets: X2 Prince EXO3 Graphite 100 (Main) X3 Wilson K Blade Tour 93 (Backup) Strings: Toalson Ultimate 115 Strung @ 48-50 pounds. Plays: Right Handed (Single Backhand). Shoes: mi Adidas Barricade V Apparel: Lacoste & Adidas Favourite Players: Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic

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